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Services and Hardware . Computerservicearminfischercom . .
#Computerservicearminfischercom #Computer #Notebook #Smartphone #Computerservice #AKUTFERNWARTUNG #Fernwartung #RemoteSupport #RemoteDesktop #Helpdesk #Memmelsdorf #GemeindeMemmelsdorf #LandkreisBamberg #Bamberg
Services and Hardware
ACUTE REMOTE MAINTENANCE and Remote Support. ServicePoint Memmelsdorf . On-Site-Service Municipality Memmelsdorf . …
Computer, cell phone, telephone or router on strike? ACUTE REMOTE MAINTENANCE for private individuals and small businesses. Remote support and guidance by phone, remote maintenance software, video call including Zoom, WhatsApp, or chat with WhatsApp, Telegram. We use RustDesk, Zoom, TeamViewer, Google RemoteDesktop, among others.
Basis-HTML-Sites . Webdesign
Basic HTML pages as an addition to a CMS.
C-LinuxMint Installation
Installation of LinuxMint including RustDesk Helpdesk . Firefox, Opera, OpenOffice, Thunderbird, VLC, GIMP, Webapps Canva.
C-LinuxMint USB-Stick
LinuxMint installed on USB stick. USB 3.0 or higher ideally. For use as 2nd operating system e.g. alongside Windows or for data recovery. LinuxMint incl. RustDesk remote maintenance. Firefox, Opera, OpenOffice, Thunderbird, VLC, GIMP, Canva web apps. On request also with Windows in VirtualBox with your own key.
We repair desktop computers and notebooks by replacing components.
Wir retten Deine Daten von nicht mehr laufendem System über Extern-Adapter. Im ServicePoint Memmelsdorf bei Datenträgern, die physikalish noch in Ordnung sind, über Partner Ontrack bei Defekten. Unterstützte Standards 3,5 Zoll IDE . 2,5 Zoll/ 3,5 Zoll SATA . NVMe PCIe M.2 SSD. SSD, Micro-SSD.
Data backup
We back up your data from the running or no longer running system via external adapters. Supported standards 3.5 inch IDE . 2.5 inch/ 3.5 inch SATA . NVMe PCIe M.2 SSD.
e-mail Client Einrichtung
Wir richten Deine e-mail Clients ein. POP3, IMAP , ggf. Exchange Server u. weitere .
e-mail Einrichtung von Outlook, Thunderbird, weitere.
Laptop repair
Laptop repair with hardware replacement.
LinuxMint Installation
Installation of LinuxMint incl. RustDesk Helpdesk. Firefox, Opera, OpenOffice, Thunderbird, VLC, GIMP, Webapps Canva.
Notebook repair
We repair notebooks with component replacement.
Remote Support
Remote support and telephone guidance, remote maintenance software, video call e.g. WhatsApp, Zoom, or chat with WhatsApp, Telegram.
Setup of newer telephony hardware via web interface via remote maintenance and with remote support,
Call on cell phone, video call with Zoom, WhatsApp, or text chat with WhatsApp Telegram.
E.g. FRITZ!Box, Speedport, etc. . SoHo ! ISDN configuration only if notebook / computer connected to the system via USB.
In the municipality of Memmelsdorf, after consultation with the Bamberg district and Bamberg also ISDN systems such as Eumex, possibly also those with serial interface, D-Sub RS232, 9-pin.
Ticket or order generator. Webdesign/ PHP .
PHP script for creating an order. Each page contains customer name, e-mail and phone or cell phone number => No slips of paper that cannot be assigned
VoIP or Voice-over-IP. We set up your Internet telephony for the small business or home sector via remote maintenance.
In addition to the usual Internet providers, Telekom, Vodafone, o2, 1&1, we also offer telephony providers such as easybell and sipgate.
On-site service Memmelsdorf and on-site service Memmelsdorf municipality
We offer on-site service in Memmelsdorf and in the municipality of Memmelsdorf. Bamberg district and Bamberg after consultation.
Windows Installation
Installation of Windows. From Windows XP to Windows 10, Windows 11 . Also dual installation with Linux Mint. Incl. RustDesk for remote maintenance. VLC Player.
c/o Armin Fischer
Hauptstr. 70
DE- 96117 Memmelsdorf
Online- oder phone Appointment request:
Services and Hardware
#Computerservicearminfischercom , #Computer , #Notebook , #Smartphone , #Computerservice , #Computerreparatur , #AcuteRemoteMaintenance , #AKUTFERNWARTUNG , #Fernwartung , #RemoteSupport , #RemoteDesktop , #Helpdesk , #Memmelsdorf , #MunicipalityMemmelsdorf , #GemeindeMemmelsdorf , #LandkreisBamberg , #DistrictBamberg , #BambergDistrict , #Bamberg , #Backup , #Datensicherung , #Datenrettung , #DataRecovery , #Recovery , #Telefonie , #Telephony , #VoIP , #VoiceoverIP , #Internet , #Internetverbindung , #InternetConnection , #Notebookrepair , #Notebookreparatur , #Laptopreparatur , #Laptoprepair , #Reparatur , #Repair , #Regensburg ,
Computerservicearminfischercom , , Computer , Notebook , Smartphone ,
Computerservice , Computerreparatur , ACUTE REMOTE MAINTENANCE , AKUTFERNWARTUNG , Fernwartung , RemoteSupport , Remote Support , RemoteDesktop , Remote Desktop , Helpdesk , Memmelsdorf , GemeindeMemmelsdorf , MunicipalityMemmelsdorf , Municipality Memmelsdorf , Gemeinde Memmelsdorf , LandkreisBamberg , Bamberg district , Landkreis Bamberg , Bamberg , Backup , Data Backup , Datensicherung , Datenrettung , Telefonie , VoIP ,VoiceoverIP , Voice-over-IP , Internet , Internetverbindung , Internet connection , Internetprobleme , Notebookreparatur , Notebook repair , Laptopreparatur , Laptop repair , Reparatur , Repair , Regensburg , DSL , DSL Memmelsdorf , Kabel Internet , Glasfaser ,Glasfaser Memmelsdorf , cable internet , fibre , fibre Memmelsdorf , / de – – Chatus +4917621008967
Memmelsdorf/BA/DE : Hauptstr. 70 DE- 96117 Memmelsdorf . Ust-ID/VAT-ID: DE232723558